Bible Studies
Short-term studies offered throughout the year
Long-term studies offered in the fall and spring

Hillsdale United Nursery School
A vibrant non-sectarian ministry that ministers to the youngest among us! See more at http://www.hillsdaleunitednurseryschool.com/

Sunday School
Childcare for 6 weeks to 3 years old
Sunday School for 4 years old to 12th grade

CUMAC (Paterson Ministry)
We collect clothing donations for CUMAC every 2nd Sunday of the month, volunteer and take collections throughout the year for this important ministry. See more at https://www.cumac.org/

Caring Ministry
A ministry for the homebound of our community, which includes a visit from the pastor and, separately, from a member of the church every month. Call the office if you or someone you love wants to receive a visit!

Animal Ministry
A ministry to feed, spay and neuter, foster and adopt pets, while providing education to people for the benefit of animals.

United Methodist Women
Several groups of women meet for spiritual and social support. There are also large gatherings and special events throughout the year.

Prayer Shawl
Once a month people from several churches gather to pray, socialize and knit shawls. These become gifts for those that are sick, or for babies newly baptized.

Vacation Bible School
Once a year in the summer we host kids across the community for energetic fun and great lessons about God's love for us!

Family Ministry Events
Led by our youth minister, Family Ministry Events are open to all ages and include a variety of events, like Christmas gift making and Bingo

Family Promise
Working families that experience homelessness need help! Family promise keeps families together as they work toward meeting their housing needs. Hillsdale UMC volunteers to give food, spend time and stay overnight with families in need.

Bowling League
Meets Thursdays 7:30pm at the Montvale Lanes, Labor Day through Memorial Day. Beginner to Advanced - teams play with a handicap system so everyone can be on a winning team. Great night of fellowship and sport. Open to all, ages 16 and up!

Web, Video and Audio Ministry
Help us build a better website, create and edit videos and share audio from sermons and church events.

We have coffee, tea and light snacks with every Sunday morning worship service. Join us and get to know our church a little better, or volunteer and help someone else make some new friends!

Helping Hand Food Pantry
The food pantry is an ecumenical effort of the four Hillsdale churches to meet the hunger needs of the pascack valley. Over 400 people are fed through the food pantry every month! Volunteer or get food Mondays from 5:30pm-7pm and the first Saturday of the month from 9-10:30am.

Men's Group
Our men meet for breakfast and special projects

Navigators Drum Circle
In the winter our church leads and hosts the Navigators, a special group in our community with special needs. Drums are provided and these gatherings offer a therapeutic and constructive forum for our friends! See more at https://sites.google.com/site/pascackvalleynavigators/home

Disciple Bible Study
Each fall a new track begins where a group spends forty weeks exploring the scriptures together. This is the Cadillac of Bible studies! See more at https://www.cokesbury.com/disciple