Birth and Life in Methodism

Our beliefs flow from the scriptures of the Old and New Testament. Our founder, John Wesley, was an Anglican Priest who longed to see the church revived. In his time the Church was in a deep malaise and people had become complacent. They were simply going through the motions of religion, but ignoring the earth-shattering reality faith in God makes in a person's life. So he did something about it. He preached outside, which at the time was strictly forbidden. He shared the Gospel with thousands of people at a time, even performing miracles (he even raised a man from the dead!). He also gathered people into small groups called bands or societies, so that people could encourage one another to grow spiritually and become people of deep faith. The group of Christians, called Methodists because of their methodical acts of piety, helped end the slave trade in England, led the temperance movement in the United States and grew to be one of the largest global Christian denominations in the world.

Our mission at Hillsdale United Methodist Church is to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. We believe that making disciples means we take specific steps to grow in holiness and become more like Jesus. That's why we have a vision statement; it helps us translate our mission into action. Our vision is to be a faith community offering opportunities to all people seeking to know God, advance God's kingdom and do God's will by following Jesus Christ. We highlight three things in our vision statement - know God, advance God's kingdom and do God's will. Knowing God is about our worship and Sunday School. Advancing God's kingdom is about our missions and outreach. Doing God's will is about the small groups we participate in that encourage us to keep living the way God would have us live. These are the things the church has always done from the very beginning. Jesus encouraged us to gather together and remember him. Jesus constantly reached out to marginalized people and did transformational ministry with them. Jesus also modeled our modern day small groups when he chose twelve disciples to learn from him and follow in his teachings. Our church continues in this ancient tradition.

If you want to grow in your faith we invite you to get involved in these three areas of ministry. Join us for worship, do hands-on mission work and meet regularly in a small group. To learn more about small groups click here


Know God through Worship

Our worship services are the primary way for us to experience God first hand. We gather together to sing, pray, and hear God's word. We experience God's grace in the sacraments of baptism & communion, learn about God's love and will for us and explore the scriptures to better understand who God is.

Our worship service starts at 10:00am.

Sunday worship is traditional with contemporary elements. Listen to a sermon or watch a video. The worship service is followed by a coffee hour in our fellowship hall. Visitors are encouraged to stay and chat with the pastor over coffee or tea!

Sunday School (4 years old through 5th grade)

Sunday School is a great way for kids to develop a foundation in understanding who God is and what Jesus has to do with our day-to-day lives. Our Sunday School meet on Sundays @ 10am at the Education building.

All children are welcome!

Children’s Choir is active! They perform once a month. If you’d like to have your child(ren) join the Children’s choir, please contact Pastor Julie.

Child Care

Child care is available for infant to 3.5 years old in the nursery room which is located in the education building on the 2nd floor on Sundays from 9:15am to 11:15am. Please see an usher in the sanctuary if you have any questions on Sunday morning.

Youth Group & Confirmation Class

Our youth group meets on Sundays with youth coordinator, Ashley Villegas to grow in the knowledge and love of God. Once or twice a month they will have a fun activity together. To learn more about the youth group, click here.

Confirmation class is available for students in 6th grade or above. If you’d like to sign up for Confirmation class, please contact pastor Julie.

Chancel Choir

Choir rehearsals are held on Sundays, September-June, at 11:30am at the church. New singers are always welcome to join! Prior musical experience is helpful, but not necessary. All voice types are needed - but most especially, we need more male voices (tenor & bass) to help balance out the ensemble. To learn more, email to Mike Lavitol (Choir president).

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Advancing God's Kingdom

Outreach & Mission are the things we do that help other people. We don't do them to help our church, or to help ourselves. We seek to build the kingdom of God by restoring the lives of broken people.

Ministries that Advance the Kingdom of God

  • The Helping Hand Food Pantry which offers food to over 400 families and individuals in the Pascack Valley every month. Call 201-664-0600 if you, or someone you know, need food assistance,

  • Other ministries include: the Family Ministry creating events for all ages, Vacation Bible School, Prayer Shawl Ministry, Youth Mission Trip, and the Caring Ministry which visits our home-bound.

  • If you are interested in volunteer, email to church office.


Do God's Will

Doing God's will is about developing yourself for whatever you may encounter in life. We believe this happens best through small groups. In these groups we learn to love God and one another, as we grow in relationships and spiritual maturity.

Opportunities to Connect with God and with Others

  • Short term studies are available throughout a year.

  • A year long discipleship class led by Bill Griffeth will begin on Sept 24th in 2024. The class meets on Tuesdays at 7:30pm at the Parlor.

  • Experience discipleship through a group that points you to Christ. Join a United Women in Faith circles.

  • There is so much more, so get involved! To learn more about any of our ministries contact us.

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