“Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.”
To the Congregation of Hillsdale United Methodist Church,
We are grateful for your continued support in these trying times. Despite the unusual circumstances of a shelter-in-place order from the Governor of New Jersey effectively closing many businesses and making public worship in our church unavailable for at least several weeks, we continue to carry through on our mission. We are making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. People still need physical, emotional and spiritual support, and we are finding creative ways to meet those needs. Let me update you on a few things happening in the church.
Worship is still happening each week! For the last two weeks we have broadcast our services on Facebook live. You can continue to watch our services there or on our website. Details for how to watch online or even to call in and listen by phone are on the backside of this letter. The information to watch or call should remain true throughout the pandemic, so keep this information handy for the coming weeks.
We will also continue a weekly Bible Study on Wednesday nights. For now it is focused on our series, ‘The Walk’ which is encouraging us to grow spiritually in our walk with God in this Lenten season. After that series concludes, we will continue a Wednesday night study, so we invite any and all interested in keeping their connection with God and with others in the church vital, to join us for that time of reflection and discussion. Details for participating in that via internet or phone are also included on the backside of this letter.
The Food Pantry is reopening this coming Monday, March 30th. There is a need to keep the shelves stocked so others can have food. If you have the means, we strongly encourage our church and extended community to purchase a set of food items needed for one pre-packed load of groceries that will be distributed by the food pantry. The list is on the backside. You can drop items off at the church in the bin by the Food Pantry entrance on Magnolia Street. The Pantry does not need volunteers at this time. They are trying to work with a small crew to reduce risk, but any food donations are greatly appreciated.
There are many other ways you can help out in this time. The church’s biggest need at this time is for donations to keep staff employed. We strongly encourage everyone who can to make online donations. If you mail in a check, it may be weeks before people are allowed to gather to count and deposit the checks, so online is best. You can also volunteer to babysit for essential personnel, call members of our community, pledge money to support those who get sick, lose jobs or need food and shelter. This is the time for the church to be the church.
Our methods may change, but our purpose will not! Please do what you can and support our church and community. You are a blessing from God, so listen for the voice of the Lord and respond as you are able. Be blessed to be a blessing!
In Christ,
Pastor Brian Neville
Worship with us Sunday at 9:30am:
or call 1 (929) 205 6099 (meeting ID: 278 172 100)
Do Bible Study with us Wednesdays at 7:30pm:
online - https://zoom.us/j/459436347 Meeting ID: 459 436 347
by phone - +1 (929) 205 6099 Meeting ID: 459 436 347
Help others have food through the Food Pantry:
Here is the list of food items included in a prepacked bag for clients (priority items are in bold):
1 cereal
1 pasta
1 pasta sauce
1 can chicken
1 can tuna
1 can canned pasta
1 green beans
1 corn
1 jelly
1 toilet paper
1 peanut butter
1 fruit cup (pineapple, fruit cocktail, peaches, pears, mandarin oranges)
1 mac & cheese
2 soups (chicken & vegetable)
1 can beans (black, check, kidney or white)
Support the work of the church by giving online
On a cell phone:
1. Download the “Give Plus” app (on Apple or Android)
2. Open the “Give Plus” app
3. Enter the church zip code 07642
4. Select Hillsdale United Methodist Church
5. Select “Give Now”
6. Select the + symbol at the bottom right
7. Select a dollar amount and click “Add”
8. At the top right select the arrow à
9. Enter Credit, Debit, Checking or Savings account info
and select “Next”
10. Select “Complete Donation”
On a computer:
1. Go to www.hillsdalenjumc.org/give
2. Click the image that says “stewardship”
3. On the Vanco Eservice payment page:
+ Enter the dollar amount in any category
+ Use the down arrow for “Donation From”
+ Use the drop down arrow for “Frequency”
+ Use “Start Date” for withdrawal date
+ Click “Next”
4. On the Donation Information page enter your information (red asterisks * are required)
5. Confirm the payment with the “Process” button
To maximize your donation to the church we encourage donations from your checking or savings account. The whole amount goes to the church with only a 25 cent charge. If you give by credit card or debit card 3% of your donation goes toward processing fees. Monthly checking or savings account transfers are the most efficient way to give, so consider signing up for recurring payments.