FAQ for Guests
Frequently Asked Questions about Weekly Worship
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Sunday 10am
The Sunday morning worship service is a traditional service, with hymns, a choir and a sermon. There are contemporary elements, with occasional songs that include a variety of instruments. The worship service is followed by a time of fellowship with a coffee hour in the fellowship hall. Children begin the service in worship and are dismissed to their classrooms following the children's moment.
Sunday School for Children
The nursery is available for children under 3 starting at 9:45 am (second floor of the education building). Sunday School is available for ages 3 years old through High School. Children start in the sanctuary at the start of worship and then head to Sunday School after the children's moment. Please see an usher in the sanctuary if you have any questions on Sunday morning and they will be sure to help.
New Worship
Our church is trying something new for us. In the near future we will be launching a worship service with a different feel and flow. Some call it modern, contemporary, informal or ancient/future. Whatever you want to call it we want people to be engaged in worshipping God with their whole selves, from the moment they wake up to the moment they lay down. This new worship service invites participation, collaboration and friendship. Watch for more to come!
What do I Wear?
Wear whatever you want. Some people dress up, some dress comfortably. Around Christmas and Easter people tend to dress up more. We don't care too much what you wear; we just care that you come and join us.
Where do I Go in the Church?
There is a parking lot across Magnolia Avenue. We also made a map of our building you can check out before you get here. Click for directions.