John 14:27
Gift Exchange: Hope
Psalm 121:1-8
The Importance of Giving Thanks
Luke 17:11-19
Transformed by Grace: Investing grace generously
Matthew 25:14-29
Transformed by Grace: Secret of Contentment by Rev. Brian Roberts
Philippians 4: 1-7, 10-14, 19
Transformed by Grace 2 : Embracing generosity and trust in God
John 6: 1-14
Transformed by Grace 1 : Called by Love
Luke 4:19:1-10
Jesus is the Light of the world
John 1:4-5, Mark 4:35-41
Laity Sunday: Lead the Jesus Way by Lesa Brinker
Mark 10:35-45, 2 Timothy 1:14
Created for Connection 4: Connection with the Larger Church
Philippians 2:1-5
Created for Connection: Connection with the Faith Community
Romans 12:4-5, Ephesians 4:15-16
Created for Connection 2: Connected to God
John 15:5-12
Created for Connection 1 "We are made for Connection"
Genesis 2:18, Acts 2:46
Why We Need Jesus?
Mark 7:24-30
Back to School with God
Daniel 1
Changing Seasons by Rev. Pam Pierce
"To Whom Can We Go?" by Rev. Daniel Gepford
John 6:41-69
'Covenant Comfort, Shelter and 'Blessed Assurance' & 'Standing on the Promises...." by Ed Demarest
Genesis 12:1-4 , Ruth 1:22-2:13
Read the Bible by Bill Griffeth
Genesis 22:1-14 & Revelation 12:1-17