Matthew 14:22-33
Guest speaker: Rev. Pam Pierce "Heroes of the Faith: Esther"
Guest Speaker: Bill Griffeth "Why the Apostle Paul is my hero"
Acts 9:1-22
Heroes of the Faith: Lydia
Acts 16:13-15, 40
Guest Speaker: Rev. Frederick Boyle
‘Alone Together’ Romans 8:9-17, Matthew 13:1-9
Heroes of the Faith: Rahab
Joshua 2:1-14
Heroes of the Faith: Deborah
Judges 5:1-9
Genesis 21:8-20
Father's Day: His Name is Father
Matthew 1:18-25 & Luke 2:1-9, Matthew 2:13-15
Change the World Sunday: All are Welcome
Acts 11:1-18
Rising from fear and skepticism
John 20: 19-28
'Women who Changed the World' Preached by Rev. Pam
Acts 1:4-14, Matthew 28:18-20
'Her Name is Mother'
Luke 1: 45-56
Rising from Denial
John 21:15-19
Peace from our Shepherd
Psalm 23
The Narrow Gate & the Prodigal Son
Psalms 78:1-4, Romans 15:7-13
Making Sense of the Resurrection
Matthew 28:16-20, Mark 16:1-8, John 20: 19-28, Luke 24:36-53
The Empty Tomb!
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