So much is being written, tweeted, shouted, and blasted about refugees and terrorism. The anger and the fear and the absolute disrespect for our fellow humans breaks my heart.
I have nothing more to add to the noise. I simply wish to remind my church family of the United Methodist Social Principles we all claim to uphold.
And I ask, are we disciples? If we are, then the answer is simple - love God with all our hearts, trust in God and do not fear, and love those who need our love the most: the tired, the sick, the poor, the refugee, and our enemies. Love them ALL as we have been taught to love, by our lord Jesus Christ.
We are about to enter the Advent season, and as we recall the tale of a very young couple seeking shelter as they travel far from their home, remember Herod's fear and his actions and the countless families shattered by hatred and fear. Remember the baby born who changed the world.
Let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with me!
Lisa Schoelles